Wednesday, 11 July 2007


As a rule my Saturday classes are an informal event. No uniform is needed no sash (of rank) required, they are as informal as you can get. This doesn't mean that you should turn up in clothes you don't want to get dirty!! In the students own defense "my other jeans were is the wash". However this aside it was a great class, we worked on getting hit from behind (among other things) the exercise that this lesson brought about was where you have one person walking away from their partner and then have the partner progressively harder push them from behind. This ended up being all students walk toward one end of the park and slowly position themselves behind each other to give someone a hit who was not expecting it. Depending on the angle of attack the best responses seemed to be rolling away or landing in a long stance turning and kicking with the closest leg. Worked well, will teach again. There were a couple of downsides to the rolling response however, apparently your clothes tend to get a little muddy...

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