Saturday, 14 April 2007

Saturday Night.

Well, my Saturday is done, night ahead... ish. Teaching over and the "Youth Week" was as eventful as expected, I invited some of my students along to help out, as the more people the kids have to listen to the better they are to direct. As it turned out, I had heaps of students at my first class which was great, and then had six of them turn up to help teach. As it turned out there were only 5 kids and one of the supervisors wanting to learn anything about gong fu and so the class split up nicely. The class was set to take one and a half hours, however by 40 minutes in, the only person left was the interested supervisor... so I had a great class. Turns out, that the instructor had done some gong fu in the past and was quite strong, so I put him with one of my students to so practice me techniques and everyone had a great time. The best thing* was that the ground was nice and soft (I was teaching on an oval) with plenty of space, and we were able to do some of the more fun take downs and the like. All in all it was a good day and I did most all of what I had planned, the finish ended up with me here rather than out doing much, but the box is playing a doco on Cream the super group from the 60s. It is great.

Sunday is looking to go as planned, do little, then go to the Tai celebrations in town, train and relax. It will be great! I also have to tell my boss that I might be late in, and so probably not make her very happy. Should be good though, I have to meet someone and organise some dialogue for my Chinese classes, I don't think it will take that long. I have decided to expand on our current lot in English and then translate. Much easier I think.

*I have been spending some time with someone who tends to say somethingk, because of this I have started to pick it up, not something I like, when I wrote thing here I added the k! this thingk is driving me mad!

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