Friday, 13 April 2007

Sunday Filling

So far Sunday has remained fairly untainted, however I now believe that I will be going to a Tai Lunar New Year celebration, which will be nice but will take away time from other things like getting clothes washed for Monday morning. I aslo have discovered that I don't have any action photos for advertising purposes for my gong fu classes. So I might be getting some photos taken to fill the gap. I will then post some, for people to view. I should also rewrite my website. I will get that done before I give out the link. Currently all the information on the site is 2+years old. I think that once all done, Sunday will be a relative day of rest, because Monday will be my first day of work in two weeks, and there will be a lot that hasn't been done. Not that the other people in my office have been slack but that there is too much work when we are all there. I can't wait.

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