I managed to aquire some very nice swords at far less than cost price due to a store owner not knowing his stock. This made me very happy. The sword picutred here is known as an Adam Hsu Jian, wood handle. It sells from the casiberia.com site for US$179.00. It also comes in a two handed version of the same sword for US$199.00. If I wanted to buy both of these swords I would pay minimum AU$100.00 in shipping and handling. I bought both of these swords off this person for AU$310. 00, it made my weekend.
A couple of other things that would have made my weekend happened this weekend also. I attended a wonderful wedding on Saturday night, of two students of my gong fu style. Both the wedding and reception were held in Bungendore, the sun was shining for the ceremony, the food and wine were great, I was at a well arranged table with a good mix of people who I knew and didn't know so conversation flowed easily all evening, there was no bad part of the evening at all realy, it was a shame to leave.
Then Sunday came, I spent the day cutting down trees, which was well work, but it needed to be done, though I have to do more next weekend it was still the best time to do it. That evening however, I managed to attend a whiskey tasting night, at which I tasted some of the nicest whiskeys I have ever known. Some of the highligts, Laphroaig Quater Cask, Mortlach 16yr and Mortlach Cask Strength, Glenmorangie port wood finish, Glen Ord 12yr, Aberlour A'Bunadh. There were a few others of note, one was a mystery malt, I cannot remember the lable, there were two others that I did like so very much, one Islay one Speyside but they were not bottled by the disteillery that make them and I cannot remember the company that did. Basically they were AU$300 per bottle and chosen as the finest examples of their region to be had. They were great!
Anyhow, any one of these above mentioned events would have made my weekend, the fact that they all happened on the one weekend make them even better.