Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Bai Long Quan

I want to put in a couple of references to Bai Long Quan, my gong fu style. The full history is a little blurred, but the most accurate information is here. A summary is that it is a longer range style of gong fu that becomes closer as you learn more. There is a focus in the branch that I belong to on the external aspect of the art, but there is a push to get more more of the internal techniques that we practice developed back into full exercises. Bai Long comes from (internal) White Crane and (external) Dragon styles of Kung Fu (Gong Fu) at the moment we practice a lot of dragon and a little white crane. We are learning some white crane at the moment to rediscover that part of the style. This is a perfect example of why you should practice forms, the information is there, once you have some ideas of what you're looking for, you can dig it out.

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