Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Things to think about.

I have had some changes in my life recently that have given be cause to think about anything but what is going on. So among other things I have been thinking about gong fu.
Last night I was thinking about the starting of movement. In order to move your body forward, you need to create an imbalance that directs your body forward then maintain that motion while regaining your balance. So, what most people do is tilt their head slightly in the direction that they are going, and then step, and then, bring the head back into balance maintaining the motion through inertia, adding to the speed with their legs.
The reason that this happens in that order is that your head controls more of your balance from standing than any other part of your body. This is because it is at the top and for its size it is quite heavy, so when it goes forward there is a great shift in the total balance of the body. Once the body is leaning from shifting of the head, the head can straighten and the balance is now in motion.
There are two parts of this that I want to examine and develop. One is hidden behind learning a head butt, not a technique that I like myself however it does teach control of the head under impact. The other is the effect of this balance shift, which is necessary to understand in order to hide motion or disguise attacks eg, a head butt should you wish to use one. Of course once you can disguise the motions then you can recognize them better also, so it has other advantages inherent.

I will post again after tonights class and continue this idea.

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