Saturday, 12 May 2007

Into the wild

小猫 has been quite testing of late, since his grading he has become quite unfocused in his training, and irritating in class. This irritation almost came to blows when he accidentally kicked another student in the groin, it was meant in fun but his control was a little lax on that occasion. I had a little talk to the 兄弟 involved after class. The result was a discussion on several things one being what 小猫 wants to learn from Gong Fu, and the difference that exists between that and what I want to teach. He wants to learn how to fight and I want to teach how to survive. You learn both in my classes however the focus isn't fighting alone.
Later that night I received an e-mail from him saying that he wants to cut down his training with me to about once per month (a suggestion that I made). As this will give him opportunity to discuss techniques that he has been practicing and learn new techniques at a slower pace.
He has done this before in different forms, this is the first time that he hasn't had a dummy spit before leaving classes. So in my mind he has come a long way. It was good to part this time on good terms, and I look forward to seeing him when he does come by again.

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