Sunday, 3 June 2007


Today's lesson started with me trying to cancel it from the beginning. The student who wanted me to start the classes was running a BBQ. He has only turned up to two of the classes I have run FOR HIM on Saturdays but there have been excusable reasons, I guess, if you count getting shingles that left him looking like an aborigine in police custody and a couple of other things. Because of the BBQ, I was trying to relocate it to his house. But we encountered a problem with contacting the transport of one of my student so I ran the class at the park as usual. It was a good lesson, I learned that 小猫 who has been training with Kyokushiin Karate know's how to though a thigh kick. He was practicing it last Karate lesson and I asked him to show me what he learned. I should have asked him to show me what he was taught as I haven't ever been hurt by a Kyokushiin shin kick to the thigh. They haven't been in the right place, but his was and it hurt! I asked him where he was told to kick and he said he wasn't given a target other than the thigh, I asked him why he kicked where he did, he said, because that is where you told me to attack a muscle. I had no further questions, my leg was sure he knew what he was doing! I have been kicked by a number of Kyokushiin Karateka and it has never worked like that, I have been kicked by others who knew where it worked best, the latter was what I received today.

Because of this I worked on ducking and weaving in my actual class. Looking at ways to move under attacks and retaliate. This was going to work my legs and help push out the bruise that was forming on my leg! Was a good lesson. We ducked and weaved under round kicks and round punches. Was good for legs!!!

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