Sunday, 24 June 2007

Monkey King!

Thursday night I found myself at a loss. I had three and a half hours till the start of class and I didn't want to go home and waste a heap of petrol. So I ended up going to see Hou at the Cha Guan. It was good, though as seems to be usual he was on his way out. This time he was going to the Asian Book-room to serve tea at a book reading of the Monkey King. (the text that became a tv series ages ago). Though I hadn't read the book I enjoyed myself greatly. I was able to contribute due to my Chinese philosophy teaching through martial arts and my knowledge of the series shown on the ABC. The only problem was that the reading/reviewing went on for a couple of hours longer than I thought it would, and I had promised dinner to Hou to go through some of what has been going onto me the past couple of weeks.
This meant that I basically missed training. I wasn't happy about this but there are certain people who need to know what is going on with me for my benefit so when I get a chance to tell them I feel it is prudent to do so.
Over dinner (jellyfish, followed by fried jiaozi and shang tung chicken then Singaporean fish) we chatted about out plans for the future, looking at food, tea, industrial materials and other things. It was good to catch up properly. The upshot of this meeting is a tea tasting scheduled for the 7th of July! It will be good. I am going to Sydney next weekend and will also be able to get some more tea stuff in then.

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