Was a good course. It had some good techniques and some new methods of getting to pressure points that I liked, learned two new forms Hung 1 and Hung 2 and had a great time. One of my followers on the path of Gong Fu Cha brought along a set and we partook in some quite enjoyable Tie Guan Yin at the lunch time break (for me between grading one of my students and cutting sticks for techniques later in the day). A good time was had by all. Grading was successful! I now have another white sash!
What I can post about however is the dinner after the event, not a great big event only 5 of us chose to kick on (I had planned to organize it but I was studying). It was a great meal with good company. I have pictures!
The top three are the food after some attacking on the first and last. We were at a SiChuan restaurant, that serves very nice traditional food.
The first is the remainder of Chilly Chicken, 4 different kinds of chilly with 3 different peppers and carraway seeds very nice, quite hot the chilly was flamed so had a caramel characteristic to the flavor. V. nice will order again. Next on the order is SiChuan Beef. Not as hot as I would like but it the spices were quite strong. However they didn't interfere with the flavor so much you couldn't taste the meat. The third was sliced pork in hot pot. It was a lovely broth with a good texture of vegies to balance the fall apart in you mouth meat. Was a very good meal.

These three are of us! The first two are three of my students who came along, the one in the middle graded that day. The last is of me and one of Bai Long Zai Xia's students, who brought along the Gong Fu Cha to the course.
The evening ended at my place over more cha and Gong Fu (general) talk!
I might expand this post to detail some of what we learned but not so as a guide to teach anything, I don't do that over the web, not good practice in my mind.
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