Saturday 28 April 2007

Return of 小马

As usual, I had a fairly busy morning. I woke up at 10:30am, cleaned the house for a while, then at 11ish went into the airport to pick up 小马 coming back from KL where she has had a week on the town at the expense of the office... so not really busy, this is because the student who had booked me for several hours this morning, canceled yesterdayHad lots of booze and fun, slept soundly through the seminars and partied hard through the nights. Then she came back (through duty free without getting me whiskey) with presents for me and Styley who marked the passing of the her year on Friday. She brought me 茶, one 250g bingcha of 10 year old pu er and a gift box of another undisclosed younger pu er.
This is a picture of samples of all my pu er cha, the ones on the bottom right are the two packets that 小马 brought me. the two in the top left are from ZenCha in Sydney the others are from the store that introduced me to gong fu cha.


StyleyGeek said...

oooh... presents for me... :)

a Shi said...

Yep, for you. And who doesn't need a 1kg block of triangular chocolate!