Sunday 13 May 2007

Another Demonstration.

Yesterday I gave my second public demonstration of Gong Fu Cha. It went well, starting with a Jasmine ball with red flowers to get people in the mood, then moving onto biluochun then a Tie Guan Yin Oolong followed by a green Pu Er. Not everyone liked every tea, but some did. The favorite of the day was the Tie Guan Yin, as usual. This tea is the specialty of the shop that has asked me to perform Gong Fu Cha. The owner of the shop is from Shanghai and has never leaned Gong Fu Cha, he is also not looking to learn, which is ok because I am there to perform and he is able to sell the equipment! Once I have had more practice serving for many people I will get a video up on here or UTube of me performing, however at the moment the best examples are here!
There were a couple of things that could have been better with the demonstration;
Two of my three Chinese tutors were not invited, quite by accident sorry! Though one who had not made the last one did come, so that was good.
The store owner gave me two tickets to a Chinese Choir performance and I left them behind by mistake.
Lastly I made 小马 late to her horses and we had a not very good time getting some of her stuff done in the dark!

But as these were the worst things, then the demonstration its self was great!

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