Thursday 3 May 2007


Last nights class was not an inspired class, I focused the lesson on the transfer of weight, how and why the transfers happen in different stances. I thought that this was a great lesson plan however I was not able to communicate it to the students in the class effectively I think largely due to me being in a very flat mood. Usually I am able to get enough energy out of the students of the class that I can give myself a kick start, but last evening they didn't have enough in reserve to get me going. This was a lesson to me in its self, although a "how not to"
rather than a "how to" lesson. I think that next time I have this sort of day before class, I will focus on activities that will give me more energy, example pad work, gets the endorphins working and pumps the blood, stance work takes an inspired teacher to get an inspired class.
It is especially hard to do when your knee is stopping you from doing the activities that you're teaching! On that note I am about to leave to meet my surgeon to set a date for my knee operation.... so I had better go...

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