Sunday 24 June 2007

A dinner with a difference!

Friday night I took out two of my tutors. One of the BeiJing JingCha and my Engineering student tutor. It was an interesting dinner. We went to Lisboa in Woden, it was interesting to see two Chinese people eat dips and bread. Not the normal fare on the mainland of China! I decided to order the dips because after 10 minutes of explanation I couldn't get across exactly what hummus was. They don't teach abut chick peas in professional English at university in China it seems. For dinner we had a series of starters, mostly finger food as it covered the greatest number of categories of "food never before seen". I then learned that Chinese don't usually eat with their fingers in fact it can make them quite uncomfortable, though not so bad they chose to starve.
While we ate there was the usual conversation about this and that, only all in Chinese! Of what I could hear however I was able to understand about %60! I was chuffed. This was mostly because the get to know you chit chat is a large focus of what I have learned all semester. It was good to know that I have learned a useful set of vocab!

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